Come sapete sto vendendo la mia vette
Mi ha risposto un potenziale cliente che dopo varie email mi scrive questo ....mi aiutate mnell traduzione la cavicchio ma con questo testo ho difficolta

Datemi un consiglio
Thanks for your response. I want to inform you that
the 34,000eurs which is the cost for the car is
accepted by me. I equally want to inform you that
reason why I need the car is for me to give it to my
son on his birthday as a present which is coming up
Presently I am in Africa on a HIV epidemic campaign
and I will not be present on the birthday ceremony
I want my gift which is the car to be there on his
birthday in Greece where he is schooling.
I want to inform you that I will make funds for your
car which is 34,000euro available immediately through
direct bank transfer from our local corresponding
here in Africa which is UNION BANK OF KENYA(UBK)Plc.
You will have to send the following information to
Adrian Gidado, He is the accountant incharge of our
organisation account in the bank his email is or custormerservice@unb where
are to send the following information,
1) Your Complete name and address.
2)Your personal phone and fax numbers.
3)Your complete bank information which will include
your bank's name and address,your account number,
swift code and iban number. inform him that you are
sending the information on request by Dr
he will contact me if he receives the information,
equally forward same to me for my perusal.I am a
busy man so as soon as he calls me i will give him
instructions to effect payment. You should know that
international bank transfer takes about 2 weeks as
bank informed me.
My son's birthday ceremony is coming up in about a
month's time and I
have made contact with a shipper in Europe who will
be coming immediately i make the payment for
inspection and shipping preparations and taxes so
as soon as the money is noted in your acco unt and
transfer completed he will immediately drive the car
to the shipping space already booked by him. I will
make arrangement for the money for the shipping with
him as soon as you send the information to the bank
and equally send the same to me.
Please I do not need any delay in this transaction
because He is my only son and I do owe him
if you know you will encounter any delay in this
transaction do tell me on time for me to look for
another car immediately for my son because the worst
thing i will do to him is not to fulfill my promise.
I await your urgent reply.