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Discussione: Pompa acqua

  1. #31

    Citazione:Messaggio inserito da fabri

    sono in giro sino a lunedì, poi do una occhiata e ti faccio sapere!!!
    Ok, grazie!!!
    C.N.O. Hero member, tessera 2011 N°9

    Corvette 1969 Stingray (Totally Frame-off mode : ON)

  2. #32
    Sto approfondendo il discorso sulla pompa short o long....è un po' un casino poichè sono state fatte diverse versioni e poi cambiando sia pompa che pulegge è difficile mantenere l'allineamento (vabbè che ci sono gli shim...

    Starting in 1969, with the sole exception of the Corvette, the pumps were changed to a "long leg" design--Corvettes used the short leg water pump through the end of 1970. The '71-82 (the latest for which we have reference data) Corvettes used a shorter long-leg pump than other small-blocks.

    The short water-pump GM reference height from the block mounting flange to the pulley mounting flange is 5-5/8 inches. The long water-pump reference height is 7 inches. To make this even more confusing, Chevy also used late-model serpentine-belt short water pumps, but these use a 5-13/16-inch (5.8125-inch) reference height for ’84-’92 Corvettes. There is actually yet another reverse-rotation water pump used in serpentine-belt applications for ’87-’94 small-blocks and 90-degree 4.3L V-6 engines that uses a 6-15/16-inch reference height. Whew!
    C.N.O. Hero member, tessera 2011 N°9

    Corvette 1969 Stingray (Totally Frame-off mode : ON)

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